
Education i SL

Nu har Buddy Cuddihy fået sit eget udseende. (Pst. Juuta, jeg ved, hvordan du bliver rødhåret).
Jeg har læst skiltet bagside uden at flytte mig, lært at flytte badebolden og er nu gået i gang med at læse nyheder og plakater.

Der findes en oversigt over educational sites! Den må undersøges ved lejlighed.
Muligvis er det den samme liste, som findes på websitet. Imponerende. Hvad mon de laver?

På en af inforskærmene fandt jeg en invitation til at deltage i en education gruppe:

While speaking with educators interested in using Second Life at a conference in NYC last week (http://www.slconvention.org/), a number of folks suggested that I create a Second Life Group specifically for real life educators interested in using Second Life and those currently participating in the Campus:Second Life program (http://secondlife.com/csl)
The idea was that this group would be open for anyone to join, and the purpose of this group would be to help educators find colleagues and collaborators, to teach people about the Campus:Second Life program, and to have meet-and-greet events in Second Life to help people connect with other real life educators.
I have just created a group called "Real Life Education in Second Life." It's easy to find (just click the Find button, select Groups, and type in "education").
If you're interested in Real Life Education in Second Life and would like to find more colleagues and collaborators, please join today!
Take care,
-Pathfinder Linden
Jeg har fluks tilmeldt mig.